Golden Butterfly

Wishes for the Fair Child
by Urvi Shah

I wrote this poem as I deeply wished for myself and for the children of the world to never forget to see the beauty, joy and wonder in the miraculous world within and around us. I feel this poem can be recited to young children as a deep heartfelt wish.

Fair Child,
I wish you see the beauty of life,
In every leaf, stone and blade of grass.

Fair Child,
I wish you see the wonders of life
In every smile, good wish and sweet thought.

Fair Child,
I wish you see the miracles of life
In a wave’s crash and oriole’s call.

Fair Child,
I wish you see the infinity of life
In the light behind our quiet hearts.

I wish this wish on a white feather’s dance
And, send it to the skies.

I wish this wish on a bright star’s song
And, let it take its own flight.