Golden Butterfly

The Fairy Who Could Heal
by Urvi Shah

I deeply love flowers. A few years a ago I came across a healer who made flower remedies purely out of flowers, sunlight and the pure waters from the upper reaches of the River Ganges. Along with the flowers, she also worked with the Light and Presence within us allowing healing to naturally unfold. My encounter with her work inspired me to write this poem.
I believe that the new world presents to us various gentle, non intrusive and loving ways of true healing and becoming whole. And, the people who bring these modalities to us are people who are truly connected to the light within and are striving to embody it. I wish to present this possibility of healing to children who I believe will understand and accept this way very spontaneously without doubts.

A long time ago, by the wall
Grew a forest very tall.
In the forest, lived a fairy,
Who with her hands,
Healed the weary.

Her glade was sweet,
Her garden small.
Here she grew flowers,
Beautiful and fragrant,
For one and all.

Every evening under
The stars that shone
The elves, the gnomes,
The forest’s little folk,
Made way to her with
Their countless woes.

Sometimes they cried,
Sometimes they sobbed,
Sometimes they despaired.
Sometimes even bawled.

With peace in her eyes,
And head held high,
She listened to them with her heart’s true eye.

To some she gave flowers,
To some sweet waters,
To some she gave her Presence,
A light that always shines.

And, then came forth,
After the dust was gone
A beauty so Pure, So Divine
A joy to Behold!