Little Miss Sunshine Loves, No Matter What


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File Guide:

Audiobook: Narrated story shared in MP3 format
E-file: Story shared in PDF format
Paperback: Physical copies shipped to the provided address

Written By Urvi Shah

Little Miss Wretched lives in her house dingy and dark. All she has seen and known is pain. All she gives to others is pain. Many have tried to come and save her. But, she has pushed them all away.

Little Miss Sunshine, fair and lovely sets on a task to save her. The townspeople wonder why. In the face of such strong and unmoving darkness, can Little Miss Sunshine succeed?

This story is about love, hope, compassion and transformation. While Little Miss Sunshine is symbolic of the part of us that is free and luminous, Little Miss Wretched is symbolic of the pain that often accumulates in us through varied life experiences. This part cannot be shunned and hidden. It too needs to be acknowledged and integrated. This story shows the process of becoming whole in a simple, childlike way.

Teachers, parents and adults may read aloud this story to children. Alternatively, it may be given to the children to read themselves depending on their abilities. The child, thereafter may be asked to recount or draw their favourite part.

Please feel free to use the story creatively along with art, music, puppets etc., as you are inspired, albeit, without changing or diluting the purity of intent.

I wrote this story as a response to the pain I saw in me and in people around me. We live in times where emotions are often unhealthily controlled, supressed and directed to meet the so-called societal norms and acceptable behaviour. In doing so, while a part of us lives in joy and light, there is a part that lives in pain and distress.

We dislike looking at this part. We wonder whether it is us and often try to hide it. And, yet along with this observation and recognition can arrive the understanding that this part needs to be held in compassion and love for it to transform, for us to become whole.

The story is for children (age 9+) and adults.


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File Guide:

Audiobook: Narrated story shared in MP3 format
E-file: Story shared in PDF format
Paperback: Physical copies shipped to the provided address