Golden Butterfly

Little Birdie and Mr Squirrel
by Urvi Shah

In May’ 2024, Joanne a child of 3 inspired me to create four small poems about a little bird and a squirrel. After I recited the first part to Joanne, she insisted that I find out what happens next. And through her insistence, the next three parts were created! I then decided to paint some illustrations digitally and make little videos along with recitation! I feel these poems are ideal for 3 to 5 year olds and can be done with actions and different facial expressions!

Little Birdie and Mr Squirrel (Part 1)

Mr Squirrel climbs up the tall tree
Where Little Birdie sits looking into her nest so pretty,
In it are jewels: yellow, blue and pink.
“Little Birdie, Little Birdie What is in your nest?”
Asks the squirrel at his royal best
Little Birdie begins to speak
In a voice so sweet,
“I have JOY from the Sun,
I have WONDER from the Moon,
I have LOVE from my Heart
And, I am happy to share it with you!”

Little Birdie Sings (Part 2)

Mr Squirrel has tears in his eyes,
When Little Birdie comes back from the skies.
“Mr Squirrel, why do you cry?”
“Oh, Little Birdie, I don’t know why.
I feel no joy, however hard I try.”
The yellow jewel begins to glow,
Little Birdie knows
What she has to do so.
She begins to sing a song so sweet,
Till colour returns to Mr Squirrel’s cheeks!

Wonders of Life (Part 3)

Mr Squirrel has a frown
All around him is dull and brown.
The blue jewel begins to shine.
Little Birdie calls out to him “Come, Mr Squirrel. Come, sit by my side.”
Together, they watch the fireflies fly,
The clouds part, the pink moon rise.
On Mr Squirrel’s face arrives a smile,
As he looks on at the wonders of life.

Spring Has Come (Part 4)

Spring has come.
The sky is blue.
Flowers are in full bloom.
The pink jewel shines and glows.
Little Birdie flies to and fro.
Secretly, she collects twigs and twine.
With it she makes a gift so fine.
And when Mr Squirrel arrives.
Hanging on his branch, he finds:
A garland so sweet,
His little heart smiles.