Golden Butterfly

A Flower Who Wished She Could Fly
by Urvi Shah

Sometimes, we look at others and wish for what they have. In doing so, a resentment and sadness often creeps in and we forget about the treasures that lie within and around us. Here is a narrative poem to subtly help children accept and love themselves, finding their adventure where they are as who they are.

In a field , bright and gay
Bloomed a lovely flower, one day.
All day long, she looked at the skies.
The flying birds dancing by.
How she wished she too could fly!

Soon, one day a bird arrived
The two became friends in no time.
Every evening, to her he would fly.
Singing his adventures of the day gone by.
The flower listening – longing, longing to fly!

The cold winds blew. Nights became long.
The bird had to leave for someplace warm.
Without her friend and his stories of flight.
The flower grew sad, dreaming of the skies.
One night in despair, she softly sighed,
“I wish I had wings to soar and fly.”

A small voice within her whispered,
“Open your eyes, sweet child.
Look around at this night,
Beautiful and Bright.”

The moon shone brightly, the glow-worm crawled.
The trees whispered secrets, the crickets sang a song.

As the flower looked on,
And the wonder in her grew.
A joy in her heart emerged,
And in that moment she knew.

Her adventure had been where she was,
As who she was all along.